Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Writing Term Papers - The Writer's Experience

I thought it would be a good idea to let our readers in on the mind of one of our writers -how they see the process of writing model academic term papers and essays. Here is what one of our writers had to say:

Filling Out a Blank Page

For a writer there is never just a “blank” page. There is a page that needs to be filled with ideas to fit the subject and expand it. They say that Michelangelo was asked how he created his exquisite sculptures. He said that they were already in the block of stone or granite and he just had to chisel the rest away to reveal them.

There is a vast difference between writing your own thoughts and creating ideas that will help someone you don’t know; someone probably much younger, not as experienced or maybe not as patient with getting something “just so”. When you begin writing you need a little information to make the essay more useful to the individual seeking the help. It starts with the subject, the class, the deadline, the length, maybe even knowing which parts should be covered and which shouldn’t. Understanding the student’s background is helpful in shaping the ideas in the paper. I may be an ultra-conservative but the client might be a liberal or from a particular background that shapes the discussion from a different point of view. Having as much information as possible is the best start to providing an idea-rich essay or paper.

This type of writing means thinking differently. For example, writing for myself, sometimes I’ll let a sentence or a thought slide. Oh well, I might say to myself, I can always fix it later. When you’re paid to write in this scenario you can’t let things slide: punctuation, grammar, spelling, ideas that flow from one subject to the next. You have to be far more precise and accurate and willing to edit and re-write before you can be satisfied that it’s an essay that meets the quality standards The Paper Experts Inc. demands of its writers. The challenge is to slip out of your own personality and into someone else’s while writing.

Sometimes the staff at The Paper Experts Inc. write papers for ESL students. This means the writer has to spend a little more time to use words that are understandable to the person so the ideas on the page come out clear and well-defined.

As I said earlier, we start with a blank page that really is not blank. In the process, we try to become the client for a little while, to get in their mind-set. We think and plan and write and re-write to deliver a top quality idea-filled essay.
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At The Paper Experts Inc. we write great essays, theses and dissertations. We write them around the clock and deliver them when you need them. Call our order hotline at 1-888-774-9994 and speak to an Academic Advisor about the troubles you’re having with your paper. If we can’t help you – no one can!